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It's the best site on the net and I'm sure you'll love it.Chocolate truffle recipe?
Here you go try the following
Basic truffle mixture:
5 oz (150 g) very best quality dark chocolate (at least 75 per cent cocoa solids)
5 fl oz (150 ml) thick double cream
1 oz (25 g) unsalted butter
1 level tablespoon Greek yoghurt
***For the plain truffles:
1 level dessertspoon cocoa powder
***For the ginger truffles:
戮 oz (20 g) preserved ginger, very finely chopped, plus some extra cut into small pieces
***For the toasted almond truffles:
1 oz (25 g) flaked almonds, very finely chopped and well toasted
***For the chocolate-coated truffles:
2 oz (50 g) dark chocolate (at least 75 per cent cocoa solids)
陆 teaspoon groundnut oil
a little cocoa for dusting
You will also need some paper sweet cases and, for the chocolate-coated truffles, a sheet of silicone paper (baking parchment).
For the basic truffle mixture, break the chocolate into squares and place it in the bowl of a food processor. Switch on and grind the chocolate until it looks granular, like sugar. Now place the cream, butter and rum or brandy in a small saucepan and bring these to simmering point. Then, with the motor switched on, pour the mixture through the feeder tube of the processor and continue to blend until you have a smooth, blended mixture. Now add the yoghurt and blend again for a few seconds. Next transfer the mixture, which will be very liquid at this stage, into a bowl, allow it to get quite cold, then cover it with clingfilm and refrigerate overnight. Don't worry: it will thicken up after several hours.
Next day divide the mixture equally among four small bowls, and keep each one in the fridge until you need it. Then proceed with the following to make four different varieties. Make sure you have all the little paper cases opened out ready before your hands get all chocolatey!
Plain Truffles
For these, you simply sift 1 level dessertspoon of cocoa powder on to a flat plate, then take heaped half teaspoons of the first batch of truffle mixture and either dust each one straight away all over, which gives the truffle a rough, rock-like appearance, or dust your hands in cocoa and roll each piece into a ball and then roll it in the cocoa powder if you like a smoother look. Place it immediately into a paper case. Obviously the less handling the better as the warmth of your hands melts the chocolate.
Ginger truffles
Mix the finely chopped ginger into the second batch of truffle mixture using a fork, then proceed as above, taking small pieces, rolling or not (as you wish), and dusting with cocoa powder before transferring each one to a paper case.
Toasted almond truffles
Sprinkle the very finely chopped toasted almond flakes on a flat plate, take half a teaspoonful of the third batch of truffle mixture and roll it round in the nuts, pressing them to form an outer coating.
Chocolate-coated truffles
For these you need to set the chocolate and oil in a bowl over some hot but not boiling water and allow it to melt until it becomes liquid, then remove the pan from the heat. Now spread some silicone paper on a flat surface and, dusting your hands with cocoa, roll each truffle into a little ball. Using two flat skewers, one to spike the truffle and one to manoeuvre it, dip each truffle in the chocolate so that it gets a thin coating and then quickly transfer it to the paper. If the chocolate begins to thicken replace the pan on the heat so that it will liquefy again. Leave the coated truffles to set completely then, using a palette knife, quickly transfer them into their waiting paper cases.
Now arrange all the truffles in a box or boxes and cover. Keep them refrigerated and eat within three days. Alternatively, truffles are ideal for freezing.
or Ingredients
150g/5oz quality chocolate, preferably 70% or more cocoa solid content
150g/5oz ground almonds
2 tbsp double cream
75g/3oz caster sugar
1 tbsp rum (optional)
cocoa powder for rolling the truffles
1. Place a saucepan of water on to boil. Break the chocolate into a heat proof bowl which should be big enough to sit and rest on the rim of the saucepan.
2. When the water boils remove the pan from the heat and then set the bowl of chocolate in the pan until the chocolate has melted.
3. Remove the bowl from the pan and stir in the ground almonds, cream, sugar and rum. Mix to a firm paste.
4. Work quickly, preferably with cool hands and roll the paste into small balls and then toss in the cocoa powder. Serve in sweet paper cases
or Ingredients
200g/7oz dark chocolate, broken into pieces
175ml/6fl oz double cream
5 tbsp brandy, rum or other spirit of your choice (optional)
cocoa, icing sugar or finely crushed nuts, to finish
1. Cover a baking tray tightly with two layers of cling film to put the truffles on to set.
2. Tip the chocolate pieces into a bowl.
3. Pour the cream into a pan and bring to a rolling boil.
4. Pour over the chocolate and stir until all the chocolate is melted. If you want to add booze, mix it in at this point.
5. Allow the mixture to cool at room temperature - this will take about 1陆 hours - by which time it should be set.
6. Using a melon baller or teaspoon, scoop out bite-sized pieces. Dust your hands with icing sugar to stop them sticking and roll the pieces into balls.
7. Roll in sifted icing sugar, cocoa or crushed nuts and place them on the prepared tray.
8. Once they are set you can store them in an airtight container in the fridge for about a week
hi,truffles are easy to make, and are a wonderful romantic gesture when given to someone you care about. Whether you wrap them in a pretty tin, or serve them after a light dinner, they add to the atmosphere.
here are the recipe:
1/2 C unsalted butter, softened
2 1/3 C confectioner's sugar
1/2 C cocoa
1/4 cup heavy or whipping cream
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
pecan, walnuts, whole almonds or after-dinner mints
coconut, crushed nuts,confectioners sugar
Makes about 3 dozen truffles
Cream butter in large mixer bowl. Combine 2 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar and the cocoa; add alternately with cream and vanilla to butter. Blend well. Chill until firm. Shape small amount of mixture around desired center; roll into 1 inch balls. Drop into desired coating and turn until well covered. Chill until firm.
Good luck!!
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